Fuck You, Sonics Server

Like about 3 of my servers got shitted by n word bots and the 4th one was pretty much useless at this point But i guess you guys are right, i am no longer making servers and i am also gonna delete my 5th server at this point and i have no fucking idea how but i will possibly never bring back Sonic's Server due to laziness and N Word Bots. Possibly the chance i would bring back sonic server up might be 0% since about 3 of my servers got ruined by N word bots and there were many bot confusions. Also if you mind i'll stop Sonic's Server forever. About the FNF Mod: would possibly need a composer, also i dont really need a Charter anymore because Psych engine can play songs both Inst and Voices but i will need some coding help with a harder difficulty than Hard. It'll be called "Fucked", it'll have increased song speed and stuff. "MFM" Mode will also be added with spammy charts and 5-7 song speed.

Just to simply put it: No more Sonic Servers and sonic server 5 will collapse and be deleted Officially

Update! as of 14/11/21

Catched some proof. Here is it.